How was the Operation by the State Security Service of Georgia Covered by and Channel One of Russia?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Reading Time: 4 minutes


On February 5, 2024, the State Security Service found an explosive substance weighing up to 14 kg on the territory of Georgia, which, according to the agency, was brought from the Ukrainian city of Odesa through Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey, and through the checkpoint “Sarpi” in Georgia, for export to the Russian city of Voronezh. According to the State Security Service, the use of the territory of Georgia and the involvement of Georgian citizens in this process served “the purpose of creating the opinion that terrorist acts that would be carried out in Georgia or abroad, would be blamed on Georgia for both planning and implementation.”

Information about the discovery of an explosive substance was also covered by the Russian media. Kremlin media outlets, based on Georgian experts, have amplified the narrative, according to which the Ukrainian authorities once again tried to involve Georgia in the war against Russia; however, Georgia successfully coped with this test, and “the Georgians did not allow the Ukrainians to blow up Voronezh.”

Channel One of Russia also prepared a story about the topic. has also published an article entitled “Ukraine is planning a double terrorist attack on the Russian Federation and Georgia. But Georgians have been on their guard for two years now.” The Russian media used the comment of Arno Khidirbegishvili, the editor-in-chief of pro-Kremlin Saqinform, which he gave to Channel One of Russia; Russian media also covered the opinions published on the social network by the pro-government experts Zaal Anjafaridze, Levan Nikolaishvili, Irakli Lataria and Edisher Gvenetadze, which were directed against the Ukrainian government.

vis tsitireben rusul mediashi saqarthveloshi asaphethqebeli nivthierebebis aghmochenis phaqtze How was the Operation by the State Security Service of Georgia Covered by and Channel One of Russia?

In his comment with Channel One of Russia, Arno Khidirbegashvili said that this is another attempt to involve Georgia in the war against Russia. In addition to Khidirbegashvili, the story shows the social network posts of Zaal Anjafaridze and Levan Nikolaishvili, in which they accuse the Ukrainian authorities of dragging Georgia into a confrontation with Russia.

Zaal Anjaparidze: “Our so-called “Strategic partner” Ukraine won’t leave us alsone, which has recalled its own ambassador from Georgia and practically kicked out our ambassador. What has been made public regarding the mentioned incident (it is only the tip of the iceberg) is enough for one solid assumption – they want to drag Georgia into a confrontation with Russia.”

Levan Nikoleishvili: “The mentioned criminal act was probably encouraged by the Ukrainian political elite, the name of the representative of their ruling party is also involved in this case. […] This is not the first time when the political elite of Ukraine tries to drag Georgia into a war with Russia.”

The article of the Russian publication Pravda states that Ukraine wanted to carry out terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation and to present Georgia as the organizer of the planning and implementation of terrorist attacks, which the Georgian opposition would then use to overthrow the government. The outlet presents the comments of Edisher Gvenetadze and Irakli Lataria, which were published on their social network accounts.

Edisher Gvenetadze: „It has been almost two years since domestic and foreign forces have continued provocative actions to drag Georgia into the current Russia-Ukraine war! They could not do anything else to involve Georgia in the war in any way!… A lot of attention and effort is needed so that the fifth column is not given the opportunity to carry out its dark intentions!” 

Irakli Lataria: “Isn’t this the Ukraine that kicked out our ambassador and recalled its own? “Strategic partner” right? In short, the current government of Ukraine is a bigger enemy of us or Russia, you can’t tell anymore.. They were defeated on all points in their own country and now they want to aggravate the problems here…”

In the end, the article also highlights the importance of the retrieval of the explosive substance by Georgia: “If Georgia was a vassal of the US, it would not have disclosed such information. “It means your own shirt is closer to the body,’ but by how much?” – says the Pravda article.

Pro-government experts Zaal Anjaparidze, Levan Nikoleishvili, Irakli Lataria, and Edisher Gvenetadze are constantly involved in the coordinated campaigns supporting the Georgian government and discrediting its opponents. They systematically spread messages against the opposition and those critical of the government, including Salome Zourabichvili. In addition, among their messages is the so-called danger of the “second front,” claiming that the Ukrainian government, together with the Georgian “fifth column”, is lobbying for Georgia’s military involvement in the war against Russia.

For more information on the topic, see the articles prepared by “Myth Detector:”

As for Arno Khidirbegishvili, he is the editor-in-chief of the news agency “Saqinform”. “Saqinform” often spreads pro-Kremlin messages and false information. Arno Khidirbegashvili himself, along with other pro-Kremlin media and actors, manipulates the topic of NATO integration and claims that Georgia will have to give up territories occupied by Russia in exchange for joining NATO. In 2022, Levan Nikolaishvili also voiced a similar manipulative message, who linked Georgia’s membership in NATO to the concession of Abkhazia and Samachablo.

For more, see:

Edisher Gvenetadze
Irakli Lataria
Levan Nikoleishvili
Zaal Anjaparidze


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