Since the end of May, the information that the first sex championship would be held in Sweden in June appeared on a number of online and social media platforms. Some of the sources claimed that Sweden is the first country to register sex as a sport. On June 4, the story on the mentioned issue was aired by the pro-Kremlin TV Company “Sezoni TV.”
The claim that sex has been registered as a sport in Sweden and that the Swedish Sports Confederation will hold the first European Championship is false.
Sex has neither been registered as a sport in Sweden nor is the Swedish Sports Confederation planning to hold the European Championship. In a comment to Deutsche Welle, the spokesperson of the confederation, Anna Setzman, said that false information is being circulated around the issue and that the Swedish sports confederation is not planning to organize a championship in sex. According to Setzman, spreading the information serves to undermine Sweden.
When disseminating the information, media outlets relied on the website of the association “Swedish Sex Federation”. When entering the website, a new window appears, which features information about the “European Sex Championship”, according to which the organizer of the championship is the “Swedish Sex Federation”; the event will be held on June 8, 2023, and it will be shown live. For those who want to participate in the championship, an e-mail address is indicated for registration.
The association “Swedish Sex Federation” indeed exists in Sweden. However, it does not represent any kind of sports organization. According to Göteborgs-Posten, the formation of the association is connected with Dragan Bratic. Bratic was the owner of strip clubs and wanted sex to be registered as a sport. In January, Bratic applied to the Swedish Sports Confederation to join the organization. The chairman of the Swedish Confederation, Björn Eriksson, immediately pointed out that this was an attention-grabbing move and that the “Swedish Sex Federation” application would be rejected.
In May 2023, the Swedish Sports Confederation considered applications for membership, however, because the “Swedish Sex Federation” application was not properly completed, it was rejected without consideration.
The association of the Sports Confederation with the “Swedish Sex Federation” was once again categorically denied by the representative of the organization in his comment to Deutsche Welle. Setzman emphasized that the association is not part of the Swedish Sports Confederation.
According to Dragan Bratic himself, the association “Swedish Sex Federation” would hold the championship at its own expense.
The disseminated claim was verified by media outlets and various fact-checking agencies, including Deutsche Welle and Snopes.
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