Disinformation by “Imedi TV” and “Alt-Info,” as if in California Gender Affirming Surgery on Children Can be Performed without Parental Consent

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Reading Time: 3 minutes


On January 23rd, 2023, “Alt-News,” one of the Facebook pages of the pro-Kremlin “Alt-Info” TV, published a fragment of the story prepared by TV company “Imedi” about the first LGBTQ children’s daycare center in Berlin. In the video, a journalist reads a tweet by US Congressman Troy Nehls, in which he says that doctors in California can now perform gender transition surgeries on children from other states without parental consent.

According to the story by Imedi, the LGBTQ kindergarten in Berlin is being launched on the basis of the “Gay Therapy” center, one of whose board members is Rüdiger Lautmann. The journalist notes that Lautmann is the author of the book “Longing for Children – Portrait of a Pedophile” published in 1991, and is considered a defender of pedophilia by German society.

Screenshot 2023 01 26 140954 Disinformation by “Imedi TV” and “Alt-Info,” as if in California Gender Affirming Surgery on Children Can be Performed without Parental Consent

The claim that children in California are undergoing gender reassignment surgeries without parental consent is disinformation. In fact, California’s new law offers medical services to transgender children living in other states, although parental consent is required to receive them, and nothing has changed in that direction. As for Rüdiger Lautmann, he left the board of the center, on the basis of which the LGBTQ kindergarten is being opened, in October 2022.

The Twitter post of the Republican congressman Troy Nehls, shown in the story of “Imedi Week”, disseminates disinformation regarding the new law passed in the state of California. The new law passed in September 2022 (SB 107) does not mention the word “surgery” at all and does not allow the provision of any gender reassignment services to children without parental consent.

imedi Disinformation by “Imedi TV” and “Alt-Info,” as if in California Gender Affirming Surgery on Children Can be Performed without Parental Consent

On September 29th, 2022, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a new bill that allows children and their families living in other states to access services for transgender youth in the state of California. The adoption of the law was preceded by difficulties in accessing gender-affirming care services in some US states.

The new law prohibits other states from interfering with California’s process of receiving services needed by transgender children. In addition, the law also prohibits the disclosure of patient medical information by healthcare providers.

In the state of California, youth under the age of 18 generally need the permission of a parent or a guardian to receive any medical treatment, including gender affirmation services.

imedi 1 Disinformation by “Imedi TV” and “Alt-Info,” as if in California Gender Affirming Surgery on Children Can be Performed without Parental Consent

The LGBTQ Daycare Center, which was discussed in the “Imedi TV” story, is indeed planned to open in Berlin. The project will be implemented on the basis of the non-profit organization “Schwuleberatung Berlin”, and its aim is to show children what it is like to be gay or lesbian. As local media wrote in October 2022, any child can register at the center, regardless of their gender identity, and parents have already registered more than 60 children.

As for Rüdiger Lautmann, according to the information published on the website of Schwuleberatung Berlin on October 29th, 2022, Lautmann left the board in order not to harm the organization’s future projects. It is also written on the website that Lautman had no connection to the day center project.

imedi 2 Disinformation by “Imedi TV” and “Alt-Info,” as if in California Gender Affirming Surgery on Children Can be Performed without Parental Consent

Disinformation about gender-affirmation surgeries for minors has been disseminated by “Alt-Info” in the past as well. For detailed information, see the article prepared by “Myth Detector:”

სტატია Facebook-ის ფაქტების გადამოწმების პროგრამის ფარგლებში მომზადდა.  მასალებზე, რომელიც ამ სტატიის საფუძველზე Facebook-მა შესაძლოა, სხვადასხვა შეზღუდვა აამოქმედოს. შესაბამისი ინფორმაცია იხილეთ ამ ბმულზე. ჩვენი შეფასების გასაჩივრების და შესწორების შესახებ ინფორმაცია ხელმისაწვდომია ამ ბმულზე.

იხ. მასალის შესწორების დეტალური ინსტრუქცია.
იხ. გასაჩივრების დეტალური ინსტრუქცია.

Topic: Identity
Country: Germany, USA

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