On May 24, Facebook account “სამყარო სამყარო” (World World) uploaded a video showing people looking through window grills. The video is accompanied by a text, reading that vaccinated people are deliberately exposed to strong COVID-19 strains and other viruses and then the infected people are placed into “the cages.” The video itself has a caption, saying that it was filmed in the city of Xingtai, Hebei Province, on May 22, 2021.
The information as if vaccinated people are deliberately exposed to COVID-19 in China and then locked in cages in not true. The video accompanying the post actually shows a quarantine camp in China’s Hebei Province.
Twitter account @TruthAbtChina is the primary source of the video, which was uploaded on Twitter on May 23. However, it is noteworthy that the video caption differs from the description spread by Facebook account “სამყარო სამყარო”. The author of the Twitter post has indicated that the video was filmed in the city of Xingtai, Hebei Province and those people, who had contacts with COVID-19 patients, are placed in these quarantine spaces.
The Chinese government built massive COVID-19 quarantine camps in January 2021 as outbreak continued in Hebei Province. Each room in the quarantine center is about 18 square meters and has an en-suite bathroom, desks, chairs, beds, Wi-Fi and a television. Quarantine also applies to travelers entering China and they are required to undergo at least 14-day centralized quarantine.
Hebei Province, quarantine center
Identical videos showing the same quarantine camps can also be searched on TikTok on January 14 and January 25. Users have indicated that the video was filmed in the city of Xingtai. The videos have nothing to do with the disinformation as if vaccinated people are deliberately infected with other COVID-19 strains and locked in quarantine.
Quarantine camps in Xingtai
It is noteworthy that as part of a new study, volunteers were really exposed to COVID-19 in the United Kingdom on purpose to help speed up vaccine development. But COVID-19 vaccines were actually developed through clinical trials and the claim as if people who received authorized vaccines were exposed to COVID-19 strains is absolutely groundless.
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