On June 9, Facebook profile ბიბლიის მორწმუნე ქრისტიანები (Bible Believing Christians) published a post stating that severe adverse effects were detected in 86% of children participating in COVID-19 vaccine Pfizer trials. In the post, the indicated source is the webpage dailyexpose.co.uk’s article, whose title says that a shocking number (86%) of children suffered an adverse reaction in Pfizer clinical trials.
Bible Believing Christians’ claim alleging that 86% of children, aged 12-15, in Pfizer trials suffered severe adverse effects is false. In reality, 86,2% is a total sum of one specific side effect – mild, moderate, and acute pain at the injection site. Acute pain at the injection site was detected in only 1% – 11 children. Moreover, the author of the post manipulates statistics by providing it only on the most commonly manifested side effect.
Information disseminated by “Bible Believing Christians” alleging that 86% of the children in Pfizer trials suffer from severe side effects isn’t true. In reality, among 1127 children participating in the study, 86.2% experienced mild, moderate, and acute pain at the injection site and the said number presents a total percentage of such cases. Only 11 children, i.e., 1% of trial participants, experienced acute pain at the injection site.
Study outcomes has a table attached featuring detected side effects in children. Within 7 days after the first dose of Pfizer, only 971, i.e., 86,2%, out of 1127 participants experienced pain at the injection site. 41,4% of cases were mild, 43.7% – moderate, whereas acute – only 1%, i.e., in 11 children. The second dose was administered to 1097 participants, 866 (78.9%) of those who experienced pain at the injection site, in 42.5% cases it was mild, 35.8% – moderate, whereas severe pain was detected only in 0.6%, i.e, 7 children.
“Bible Believing Christians” manipulatively selected statistical data and only published the total percentage of the side effect that was most commonly detected in children. For example, after the first dose, injection site redness was detected in 5.8%, 5.7% of it being mild and moderate; fatigue was detected in 60.1%, 58.8% of cases mild and moderate, wheres severe – 1.3%, injection site swelling was observed in 6.9% – all mild or moderate in severity, the headache was detected in 55.3%, 54.3% of cases being mild and moderate; chills were observed in 27.6%, 27.2% of which were mild and moderate, whereas diarrhea was detected in 8% with no severe cases.
“Bible Believing Christians” indicates an article from dailyexpose.co.uk as a source. Even though the title of the article indicates that the said 86% is of general adverse effects and not severe side effects, the title is still manipulative since it refers to the number of adverse effects as “shocking”.
In reality, adverse effects detected in children are similar to the ones in the age group of 16 and above. Several side effects were detected slightly more in children compared to adults. Per overall data, after the first dose of a vaccine, 84.1% of individuals 16 years of age and older experienced pain at the injection site, in the 12-15 age group it was 90.5%; fatigue and weakness were detected in 62.9% of individuals 16 years of age and older, while in 12-15 age group, the percentage was at 77.5. Some adverse effects were detected slightly more in adults compared to children. For example, injection site swelling was experienced by 10.5% of people aged 16 and above, while in the 12-15 age group, the number was at 9.2%.
As Pfizer’s webpage reads, 2260 children, aged 12-15, participated in the study. Half received the vaccine, while the other half was administered a placebo. No cases of COVID-19 were detected within 7 days after the administration of two doses of vaccine, while 18 cases of COVID-19 were observed in the placebo group. The study notes that Pfizer demonstrated 100% efficacy in children aged 12-15.
About the webpage dailyexpose.co.uk
Webpage dailyexpose.co.uk, shared by “Bible Believing Christians”, was created on November 18, 2020, and mostly disseminates coronavirus-related conspiracies and anti-vaxxer disinformation. Webpage lacks transparency and doesn’t provide information on editors, authors, or owners.
Disinformation published on the aforesaid webpage has been fact-checked by numerous fact-checking organizations including Fullfact and Politifact.
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