What do katyusha.org, Geworld and tvm.ge have in common?

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Reading Time: 6 minutes


On November 17, 2020, Georgia and World, a pro-Kremlin online media outlet, published an article headlined “Catholic archbishop speaks out: pandemic has been fabricated for the Great Reset.” The article involves a letter sent by U.S.-based Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano to President Donald Trump on October 25, where the Archbishop calls the coronavirus pandemic a plan of global elite, linking it to Bill Gates and Pope Francis. He expresses support to the presidential nominee of Donald Trump, as the fighter against “global elite.”

Carlo Maria Vigano: “A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures… Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda… The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship … promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups.”

The pro-Kremlin media outlet further expands the Archbishop’s narrative and promotes a conspiracy theory, according to which the Catholic Church and the Vatican serve evil forces and the Orthodox Church should not cooperate with them.

   rhdt 0 What do katyusha.org, Geworld and tvm.ge have in common?

The original version of the article published by Georgia and World was first posted on katyusha.org on November 9. The text, headline and visual side of the article published by Georgia and World are identical to the Russian article. On November 18, online media outlet tvm.ge also published Georgia and World’s article without any alterations.

ref 0 What do katyusha.org, Geworld and tvm.ge have in common? edrh 0 What do katyusha.org, Geworld and tvm.ge have in common?

The letter sent by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano as well as the claims voiced in the article about the coronavirus pandemic are conspiracy theories: 1. “Great Reset” is not a scenario plotted by global elite to seize total power, but rather a response initiative to tackle COVID-19 crisis; 2. Bill Gates’ decision to finance the development of the coronavirus vaccine aims at improving access to health care services; 3. Event 201 held in 2019 has nothing to do with the coronavirus pandemic.

Conspiracy theory No.1: “Great Reset” is a scenario plotted by global elites to seize total power and it is financed by the World Economic Forum. Pope Francis supports the agenda promoted by the globalists.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano claims that the global elite have artificially spread the coronavirus pandemic to implement their plan “Great Reset” and subdue all of humanity. In fact, the Great Reset is not a secret plan, but rather the initiative developed by the World Economic Forum in 2020 to find long-term solutions to the COVID-19 crisis and its consequences. As part of the initiative, the World Economic Forum acts as a facilitator and offers its platform to international stakeholders involved in making main decisions through the pandemic and post-pandemic periods. According to the official website of the World Economic Forum, the COVID-19 crisis is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. The inconsistencies, inadequacies and contradictions of multiple systems –from health and financial to energy and education – are more exposed than ever amidst a global context of concern for lives, livelihoods and the planet. It creates the need for revising the approaches.

Conspiracy theory No.2: Bill Gates’ decision to finance the development of the coronavirus vaccine aims at imposition of “a health dictatorship.”

Bill Gates, American business magnate, philanthropist and one of the largest donors of the World Health Organization, has repeatedly become the target of conspiracy theories related to the coronavirus. Bill Gates has long been striving to increase access to health care services, focusing on the need of creating the coronavirus vaccine since its outbreak. Therefore, anti-vaccine activists and conspirators have been frequently accusing him of supporting mandatory vaccination and having cruel intentions. Carlo Maria Vigano’s claims are echoing the same narrative.

Myth Detector has prepared a number of articles in 2020 about the conspiracy theories and disinformation related to Bill Gates:

Conspiracy theory No.3: Event 21 held by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in 2019 was a scenario plotted about the coronavirus pandemic

Event 21 was held on October 18, 2019. It was a high-level pandemic exercise, which illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences. A conspiracy theory was spread amid the pandemic, according to which the event predicted the pandemic and its scenario. But in fact, inputs used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to COVID-2019. It is worth noting that The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security organized similar events in the past too.

About Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

In 2009-2011, Carlo Maria Vigano served as secretary-general of the governorate of the Vatican City State. In 2011-2016, he held the position of Vatican’s Ambassador to the United States. In 2018, Vigano accused Pope Francis of concealing sex abuse allegations against high ranking Catholic clerics. Presently, the Archbishop lives in the United States; he is known for his conservative views and messages. In 2020, Vigano sent several open letters to President Donald Trump, openly supporting him as the fighter against “children of darkness” in the presidential elections. In his letters, he promotes a number of conspiracy theories regarding the coronavirus and the related processes, including conspiracy theories about the Masons, New World Order and “Great Reset.” President Trump responded to Vigano’s letters through his Twitter account saying he was “so honored” by a letter sent by the Archbishop.

About the original source of the article

katyusha.org is a Russian online media outlet, which frequently publishes anti-Western and antiliberal articles about alleged covert participation of Bill Gates and George Soros in western politics. It also publishes content, criticizing and discrediting the Catholic Church and Pope Francis.

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Articles spread by Georgia and World and tvm.ge  

As of 3 pm, November 20, 2020, the article published by Georgia and World has 35 shares. The article was shared to the following public groups and pages:  კოტე ჩიკვილაძის და გულბაათ რცხილაძის თანამოაზრეების ჯგუფი: Россия и Грузия (Group of Those Who Agree with Kote Chikviladze and Gulbaat Rtskhiladze: Russia and Georgia); პატრიოტთა ალიანსის მხარდამჭერები ! ! ! (Supporters of the Alliance of Patriots); სტალინი (Stalin); პრემიერ-მინისტრი გიორგი გახარია (Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia); რუსთავი 21 👁️ RUSTAVI 21ბიძინა ივანიშვილის მეგობრები ფეისბუქზე (Bidzina Ivanishvili’s friends on Facebook); Info Rustavi ინფო რუსთავი.

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The article published by tvm.ge has 318 shares. It was shared to the following groups: ანტი-მასონობა. „ანტიქრისტეს“ ახალი მსოფლიო წესრიგი (NWO); ანტი-ეკუმენიზმი (Anti-Masonry, New World Order of the Antichrist; Anti-Ecumenism); “ქართული მარში – ეროვნული მოძრაობის” მხარდამჭერთა ჯგუფი (Georgian March – Group of Supporters of the National Movement);  ქართველ ემიგრანტ ქალთა გაერთიანება (Union of Georgian Migrant Women); პატრიოტთა ალიანსის მხარდამჭერები ! ! ! (Supporters of the Alliance of Patriots); რუსთავი 21 👁️ RUSTAVI 21მთავარი სიახლეები (Main News).

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Country: Italy



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